Getting to a place where you truly believe this is so important. This gives you the power back over food. Instead of the food having the power of "good" or "bad" there is no "should" vs "shouldn't" you take that power back.
I love the "aha" moments with clients. I find that when someone has a shift where they realize that all foods can actually fit and when they truly accept that they suddenly feel a load removed from them. Many people have told me they have extra energy to put towards other areas of their life. They had no idea how energy and all- consuming categorizing foods could be.
Using an all foods fit approach can actually leave people truly uninterested in the foods that were their vice previously. That may seem extreme, but I have seen it. For others it means that they are able to eat their vice foods, but listen to their bodies and not go overboard, but instead truly enjoy them.
If all of this sounds to good to be true, trust me- it's not.
Do you want to dive deeper into mindful eating? Contact Jill, Nurture The Future's Registered Dietitian at [email protected].