If you want to adjust the texture for your baby it is quite easy to fork mash beans slightly. Depending on your child you may not even need to do this, or at least not do it for very long.
When the baby tried black beans he seemed to really enjoy them. He acted as if, with the effort it took to get them off his tray and into his mouth, that he was rewarded with a prize.
Canned beans are ok to use, however, I would really recommend buying “no salt added” beans. I would recommend not choosing canned beans that are in any kind of sauce. These sauces contain many ingredients that your baby does not need. Canned beans can be eaten cold or warmed, it depends how you are having them for your family meal.
In addition, it is important to rinse beans so that they are rinsing clean water. The soap-like bubbles that appear in beans are an enzyme that produces gas when we eat them. Rinsing the beans clean can be very helpful in minimizing the amount of gas produced from eating them.
It is also ok to use dried beans, be sure to soak them before cooking and also be sure to dump out the water you used to soak them in, again this will help remove some of the gas producing enzyme.
Beans are a food that I love to use when travelling. Take a can opener with you and you have an inexpensive protein source available that needs minimum preparation. Like I mentioned before, just rinse the beans until the water runs clear.
Do you have questions about feeding your baby? Contact Jill, Nurture The Future's Registered Dietitian at [email protected]