You can do this with many types of produce. Try growing your own. Then, with the kids help decide how you will cook/prepare/eat the food. Go to the grocery store for any additional ingredients that are needed, and while you are doing so, be sure to look at the grocery store version of what you have chosen to use- this is a great opportunity to talk about how food can look different, but taste the same. For example- apples from your tree might look very different then those sitting on a grocery store shelf. When it comes time to eat whatever is prepared see how willing your kids are to accept it. Do you notice any differences when they have put effort into the preparation of the food? As mentioned above, this is not only a great bonding experience for your kids, but there are also lots of learning opportunities here to which can vary by age. Enjoy!
Looking for more ideas of how to involve your kids? Contact Jill, Nurture The Future’s Registered Dietitian at [email protected] ]