This can be a hard time for many women. It is common to feel extremely tired during this period of pregnancy. Many women also experience a queasiness commonly called morning sickness, however, it often seems like it can come at any time of day, and sometimes even last throughout the day.
So, what is important to focus on at this stage?
- Keep eating. Although you might feel queasy, if your stomach is empty it can make it a lot worse. Often if you have something small, and typically bland to eat, it can make the queasiness subside.
- If you aren’t already taking a prenatal multivitamin, start.
- If you are taking a multivitamin, switch to one that is specific for pregnancy.
At this stage in your pregnancy, you don’t need to add in any extra food. That will come later. During the first trimester, women do not need to gain much weight, about 2 to 4 lbs, seems to be enough to be healthy (1). Some women even lose weight during the first trimester, as a result of nausea, etc.
At this point in your pregnancy your baby is very small, about the size of a lentil (2) Remember that you are not eating for two as much as you are eating for the health of two. The focus should be on the quality of what you are eating, versus the quantity.
Pregnancy is a great time to start making changes in your health. Start small and you will be amazed at the difference you see.
Are you in the early stages of pregnancy and looking for more support? Contact Jill, Nurture The Future’s Registered Dietitian at [email protected]
1 http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/nutrition/prenatal/ewba-mbsa-eng.php#a2
2 http://www.babycentre.co.uk/6-weeks-pregnant