I know what it’s like to be busy and still have to prep a meal after school and in between activities. On top of that getting your kids involved can be really tough. You may start out with the best of intentions to be patient and find that really you just need to get food on the table- now. According to a 2017 study by Ipsos Reid, 16% of Canadians say they never let their kids help in the kitchen (1).
As Canadians cook less and less and instead look to packaged and convenience foods, it not only impacts health, but also robs our future generations of a chance to learn the important life skills of cooking and food prep.
Kids who are online are exposed to over 25 million food and beverage ads- most of which (90%) promote foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat (2). The good news is that involving our kids and thus improving their food skills can result in healthier eating – eating more fruit, vegetables, and fibre, and a decrease in convenience and take out food and sweetened beverages (3). Another bonus of getting kids involved is that it can help with picky eaters too! (4)
Involve your kids in every step of the process- gardening, shopping, meal prep, meal planning, etc. It can help to let your kids be involved when there isn’t such a time crunch and can end up being a really enjoyable, bonding activity- with yummy results! Read more about involving your kids here, here, here and here.
Remember as a parent, we are role models when it comes to our kids eating (5). Help your kids gain the potential to discover!
Want more ideas of how to involved your kids. Contact Jill, Nurture The Future’s Registered Dietitian at [email protected]
1- Ipsos Reid 2017 study conducted for Dietitians of Canada
2- Heart and Stroke Foundation. http://www.heartandstroke.ca/-/media/pdf-files/canada/2017-heart-month/heartandstrokereportonhealth2017.ashx
3- http://www.pennutrition.com/KnowledgePathway.aspx?kpid=22933&trid=23008&trcatid=42
4- Eat Right Ontario https://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Child-Toddler-Nutrition/Help!-My-kids-won-t-eat-enough-vegetables-andfruits.aspx
5- https://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Adolescents-teenagers/Parent-and-Caregivers-Influence-on-Children%E2%80%99sEating-Habits.aspx
Adapted from the Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month campaign materials. Find more information about Nutrition Month at www.NutritionMonth2018.